Schedule 2021

The schedule is subject to change. All logged-in users can create their own schedule, add sessions to their own calendar and vote on sessions.
Sponsored Sessions require an additional opt-in in order to be able to attend.



EDT(local time)
TRACK Architectures You've Always Wondered About Colin Breck - Tesla TRACK From Remote to Hybrid Teams: Return to Office? Miriam Goldberg - Netflix
Vishal Verma - Netflix
TRACK Modern JVM Innovations Monica Beckwith - Microsoft
KEYNOTE 11:10AM - 12:00PM The Programmer's Brain Felienne Hermans - Leiden University
Session + Live Q&A 12:10PM - 12:50PM A Distributed Systems Approach to Decarbonizing the Grid Astrid Atkinson - Camus Energy
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 12:10PM - 12:50PM Lessons Learned from Remote-first SRE James McNeil - Netlify
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 12:10PM - 12:50PM Understanding JIT Optimisations By Decompilation Chris Seaton - Shopify
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 01:10PM - 01:50PM Solving Data Quality Issues to Diagnose Health Symptoms with AI Lola Priego - Base
Jose del Pozo - Base
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 01:10PM - 01:50PM The Spectrum of Synchronousness James Stanier - Shopify
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 01:10PM - 01:50PM Level Up Your Java Performance with TornadoVM Juan Fumero - The University of Manchester
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM Federated GraphQL to Solve Service Sprawl at Major League Baseball Olessya Medvedeva - Major League Baseball
Matt Oliver - Major League Baseball
Session + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM Remote Onboarding: A Houseplant's Story Kate Wardin - Netflix
Session + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM Cloud Native JVMs (Part 1): Cloud Native Compilation Gil Tene - Azul
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 03:10PM - 03:50PM Event-Based Architectures: The Hard Parts Raymond Roestenburg - Lightbend
Sergey Bykov - Temporal Technologies
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 03:10PM - 03:50PM Remote and Hybrid Teams Panel Kate Wardin - Netflix
James Stanier - Shopify
Miriam Goldberg - Netflix
James McNeil - Netlify
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 03:10PM - 03:50PM Java 17: The Path, Features, Tips and Tricks Panel Simon Ritter - Azul
Kristen O'Leary - Google
Rory Preddy - Microsoft
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
04:10PM - 04:55PM Kubernetes, Database… and the Distributed Mindset Jim Walker - Cockroach Labs
04:10PM - 04:55PM Hiring in Hypergrowth: Balancing Delivery and Expansion Shannon Hogue - Karat
05:15PM - 06:00PM Event Mesh as a Real-Time Data Movement Fabric for APIs and Hybrid Cloud Leah Robert - Solace
05:15PM - 06:00PM Scaling Platforms and Cloud Strategy for a 12K+ Engineering Organization Isabella Disler - Goldman Sachs



EDT(local time)
TRACK Microservice Patterns and Antipatterns: Lessons From the Trenches Chris Richardson TRACK Becoming a Better Developer David Van Couvering - eBay TRACK Security: Establishing & Maintaining Customer Trust Anna Westelius - Netflix
11:00AM - 11:50AM Remote Work: Developing Empathy and Tools Around Diversity & Inclusion Wade Davis - Netflix
Session + Live Q&A 12:10PM - 12:50PM 7 Ways To Fail at Microservices Holly Cummins - Red Hat
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 12:10PM - 12:50PM Analyzing Codebases for Fun and Profit Jordan Bragg - Castlight Health
Session + Live Q&A 12:10PM - 12:50PM Authorization at Netflix Scale Travis Nelson - Netflix
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 01:10PM - 01:50PM Airbnb at Scale Selina Liu - AirBnB
Session + Live Q&A 01:10PM - 01:50PM Creating an Atmosphere of Psychological Safety Tim Berglund - Confluent
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 01:10PM - 01:50PM Building Trust & Confidence with Security Chaos Engineering Aaron Rinehart - Verica
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM Managing Tech Debt in a Microservice Architecture Glenn Engstrand - Optum Digital
Session + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM Talk Like a Suit: Making a Business Case for Engineering Work David Van Couvering - eBay
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 02:10PM - 02:50PM "Trust me, I'm an insider" - Diving into Zero Trust Security Sindhuja Rao - Cisco
Deepank Dixit - Cisco
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 03:10PM - 03:50PM Present and Future of the Microservice Architecture Glenn Engstrand - Optum Digital
Holly Cummins - Red Hat
Dave Farley - Continuous Delivery Ltd
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 03:10PM - 03:50PM Becoming a Better Developer Panel Jordan Bragg - Castlight Health
David Van Couvering - eBay
Dave Copeland - Mood Health
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 03:10PM - 03:50PM Perspectives on Trust in Security & Privacy Clint Gibler - r2c
Stephanie Olsen - Netflix
Cassie Clark - Brex
Ellen Nadeau - Cruise
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
04:10PM - 04:55PM Dark Launching Into the Meshy Unknown Cody De Arkland - LaunchDarkly
04:10PM - 04:55PM Deployment strategies for OpenTelemetry Ted Young - Lightstep
04:10PM - 04:55PM App Protect 101: Protecting Your Applications with WAF and Dos Solutions Alessandro Fael Garcia - NGINX
05:15PM - 06:00PM Reduce Time Diagnosing Issues & Optimize Efficiency with Observability Jan Schulte - Epsagon
05:15PM - 06:00PM Future of Databases: Combining Operational and Analytical Data at Massive Scale Rob Hedgpeth - MariaDB



EDT(local time)
TRACK Optimizing Your Organization for Speed Randy Shoup - eBay TRACK The Cloud Operating Model Coburn Watson - Pinterest
Session + Live Q&A 11:10AM - 11:50AM Enabling Engineering Productivity at the Financial Times Sarah Wells
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 11:10AM - 11:50AM Netflix Drive: Building a Cloud Native Filesystem for Media Assets Tejas Chopra - Netflix
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 12:10PM - 12:50PM Lead with Speed Courtney Kissler - Zulily
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 12:10PM - 12:50PM Optimizing Efficiency & Capacity Management at Web Scale on the Cloud Molly Junck - Pinterest
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 01:10PM - 01:50PM Improving eBay's Development Velocity Randy Shoup - eBay
Mark Weinberg - eBay
Session + Live Q&A 01:10PM - 01:50PM K8s: Rampant Pragmatism in the Cloud at Starling Bank Jason Maude - Starling Bank
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM Panel: Engineering Leadership Lessons for Improving Flow Sarah Wells
Courtney Kissler - Zulily
Ann Lewis - U.S. Small Business Administration
Nick Caldwell - Twitter
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM Panel: Kubernetes at Web Scale on the Cloud Harry Zhang - Pinterest
Ramya Krishnan - Airbnb
Ashley Kasim - Lyft
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
03:10PM - 03:55PM Optimizing CI/CD Pipeline with Shift-Left Enterprise Observability Tom Fisher - Instana
03:10PM - 03:55PM How to Fix the 5 Most Common AWS IaC Misconfigurations Taylor Smith - Bridgecrew
04:15PM - 05:00PM Hidden risks of using Open Source Software? Maciej Mensfeld - WhiteSource
04:15PM - 05:00PM Scaling and Managing a New Saas Offering on the Cloud Steven Martin - Teleport



EST(local time)
TRACK Modern Data Architectures, Pipelines, & Streams Sid Anand - Datazoom TRACK Performance First Design Tony Printezis - Twitter TRACK Living on the Edge Sergey Fedorov - Netflix
Session + Live Q&A 11:10AM - 11:50AM Building & Operating High-Fidelity Data Streams Sid Anand - Datazoom
Session + Live Q&A 11:10AM - 11:50AM Comparison of Performance of Multiple CPU Architectures Matthew Singer - Twitter
Jeff Balk - Twitter
Session + Live Q&A 11:10AM - 11:50AM Building Modern Transportation System with KubeEdge, How We Made It Kevin Wang - Huawei
Huan Wei - HarmonyCloud(谐云)
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 12:10PM - 12:50PM Microservices to Async Processing Migration at Scale Sharma Podila - Netflix
Session + Live Q&A 12:10PM - 12:50PM Unblocked By Design Todd Montgomery - StoneTor, LLC
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 12:10PM - 12:50PM GraphQL Caching on the Edge Max Stoiber - GraphCDN
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 01:10PM - 01:50PM Protecting User Data via Extensions on Metadata Management Tooling Alyssa Ransbury - Square
Session + Live Q&A 01:10PM - 01:50PM The Mechanics of Metrics: Aggregation across Dimensions Erin Schnabel - Red hat
Session + Live Q&A 01:10PM - 01:50PM Machine Learning at the Edge Katharine Jarmul - kjamistan
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM Managing Data at Scale Mark Grover - Stemma
Shirshanka Das - Acryl Data
Chris Riccomini - WePay
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM JIT vs. AOT: How to Pick the Right Approach Monica Beckwith - Microsoft
Gil Tene - Azul
Todd Montgomery - StoneTor, LLC
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM Architecting for the Edge Jason Shepherd - ZEDEDA Inc.
Max Stoiber - GraphCDN
Kaladhar Voruganti - Equinix
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
03:10PM - 03:55PM A Software Engineer’s Guide to Reliable Data Pipelines Egor Gryaznov - Bigeye
03:10PM - 03:55PM Optimizing GraphQL Performance at Scale Kyle Schrade - Apollo GraphQL / StockX
03:10PM - 03:55PM Cracking the Code of DevSecOps: Intelligent Orchestration + Code Dx Meera Rao - Synopsys
04:15PM - 05:00PM Build Apps Easier and Faster with Data APIs Mark Stone - DataStax
Bhavani Rao - DataStax
04:15PM - 05:00PM Critical Attributes For A High-performance, Low-latency Database Tzach Livyatan - ScyllaDB
04:15PM - 05:00PM Applications Architecture Considerations for Distributed Systems Jim Walker - Cockroach Labs



EST(local time)
TRACK API Architecture Thomas Betts - Blackbaud TRACK Crafting the Developer Experience Jessica Kerr - TRACK ML Everywhere Francesca Lazzeri - Microsoft
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 11:10AM - 11:50AM Designing Event-Driven Architectures Using the AsyncAPI Specification Fran Mendez - Postman
Session + Live Q&A 11:10AM - 11:50AM Moldable Development by Example Tudor Girba -
Session + Live Q&A 11:10AM - 11:50AM What You Should Know Before Deploying ML in Production Francesca Lazzeri - Microsoft
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 12:10PM - 12:50PM Building With Extensibility Christi Schneider - Square
Session + Live Q&A 12:10PM - 12:50PM Scaling the North Star of Developer Experience Phillipa Avery - Netflix
Session + Live Q&A 12:10PM - 12:50PM The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Zero Shot Learning Roland Meertens - InfoQ
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 01:10PM - 01:50PM A Standardized, Specification-Driven API Lifecycle Kin Lane - Postman
Session + Live Q&A 01:10PM - 01:50PM Reproducible Development with Containers Avdi Grimm - ShipRise
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 01:10PM - 01:50PM Streaming-first Infrastructure for Real-time ML Chip Huyen - Stealth Startup
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM API Showdown: REST vs. GraphQL vs. gRPC – Which Should You Use? Alex Borysov - Netflix
Matt McLarty - MuleSoft
Michelle Garrett - Twitter
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM Panel: The True Bottleneck in Software Engineering - Cognitive Load Jean Yang - Akita Software
Manuel Pais - Team Topologies Academy
Arty Starr - Twilight City, Inc.
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM ML Panel: "ML in Production - What's Next?" Chip Huyen - Stealth Startup
Shijing Fang - Microsoft
Vernon Germano - Zillow
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
03:10PM - 03:55PM Closing QA Gaps with API Testing Patrick Poulin - SauceLabs
03:10PM - 03:55PM Putting the Sec in DevSecOps Matt Johnson - Bridgecrew
03:10PM - 03:55PM ML Maturity: Unifying and Measuring Processes Across Multiple Teams. Vadim Nikulin - Flo Health
04:15PM - 05:00PM Exposing Kafka Events as APIs Ari Hermawan - Solace
04:15PM - 05:00PM A New Wave of Developers to the Rescue Gonçalo Veiga - OutSystems
04:15PM - 05:00PM Open-Source Technologies and Strategies for Time Series Analysis Anais Dotis - Georgiou - InfluxData



EST(local time)
TRACK Production Readiness Ines Sombra - Fastly TRACK Modern Language Innovations Werner Schuster - Wolfram
Session + Live Q&A 11:10AM - 11:50AM Production Readiness: Fighting Fires or Building Better Systems? Laura Nolan - Slack
Session + Live Q&A 11:10AM - 11:50AM Full Stack Dart Chris Swan - The
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 12:10PM - 12:50PM Prod Lessons - Deployment Validation and Graceful Degradation Anika Mukherji - Pinterest
Session + Live Q&A 12:10PM - 12:50PM Secure, Performant Platform Extensibility through WebAssembly Saúl Cabrera - Shopify
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 01:10PM - 01:50PM Incidents, PRRs, and Psychological Safety Nora Jones - Jeli
Session + Live Q&A 01:10PM - 01:50PM Languages of Cloud Native Justin Cormack - Docker
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
PANEL DISCUSSION + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM Panel: Real-World Production Readiness Kolton Andrus - Gremlin Inc.
Laura Nolan - Slack
Ines Sombra - Fastly
Session + Live Q&A 02:10PM - 02:50PM Fireside Chat w/ Docker CTO Justin Cormack - Docker
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
KEYNOTE 03:10PM - 03:50PM Software Engineering – Then, Now, and Next Mary Poppendieck
04:10PM - 04:55PM Fundamentals of Microservices Amir Rawdat - NGINX
04:10PM - 04:55PM Putting the Graph In GraphQL With The Neo4j GraphQL Library William Lyon - Neo4j
05:15PM - 06:00PM Four Easy Steps to One Deploy a Week Dylan Etkin - Sleuth
05:15PM - 06:00PM Removing Technical and Security Debt with Dev – First AppSec tooling Susan St Clair - WhiteSource