Schedule 2022

The schedule is subject to change. All logged-in users can create their own schedule, add sessions to their own calendar and vote on sessions.
Sponsored Sessions require an additional opt-in in order to be able to attend.



EDT(local time)
TRACK Architectures You've Always Wondered About Eder Ignatowicz - Red Hat TRACK Developer Enablement - The Secret Weapon Stuart Davidson - Skyscanner TRACK Current Trends in Frontends Luca Mezzalira - AWS
KEYNOTE 08:50AM - 09:50AM Six Impossible Things Kevlin Henney - Curbralan
Session + Live Q&A 10:00AM - 10:50AM How Starling Built Their Own Card Processor Ioana Creanga - Starling Bank
Rob Donovan - Starling Bank
Session + Live Q&A 10:00AM - 10:50AM Hone Your Tools: Building Effective & Delightful Developer Experiences Suhail Patel - Monzo
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 10:00AM - 10:50AM Micro-Frontends Anti-Patterns: 7 Years in the Trenches Luca Mezzalira - AWS
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 11:10AM - 12:00PM How SeatGeek Successfully Handle High Demand Ticket On-Sales Anderson Parra - SeatGeek
Vitor Pellegrino - SeatGeek
Session + Live Q&A 11:10AM - 12:00PM [ENTERPRISE BLOCKCHAIN PRESENTATION] Don't Fall Into the Platform Trap - How to Think About Web3 Architecture Christian Felde - Web3 Labs
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 11:10AM - 12:00PM Modern Mobile Development: Native vs Cross-Platform Sebastiano Poggi - JetBrains
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 12:20PM - 01:10PM Shopify’s Architecture to Handle the World’s Biggest Flash Sales Bart de Water - Shopify
Session + Live Q&A 12:20PM - 01:10PM Breaking up Lyft’s Development Monolith Jake Kaufman - Lyft
Session + Live Q&A 12:20PM - 01:10PM Google’s Flutter: Mobile, Web & Desktop Frontends from 1 Codebase? Karsten Silz - Contractor
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 01:30PM - 02:20PM The Afterparty: Refactoring After 100x Hypergrowth Phil Calçado - PicPay
Session + Live Q&A 01:30PM - 02:20PM Building and Scaling Developer Environments at Stripe Soam Vasani - Stripe
Session + Live Q&A 01:30PM - 02:20PM Module Federation: The Federated Applications Revolution Zack Jackson - Lululemon
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
02:40PM - 03:25PM What Can Go Wrong with Data… Will Jim Walker - Cockroach Labs
02:40PM - 03:25PM A Journey to Become a Better Developer Januar Wayong - ING
03:45PM - 04:30PM GraphQL Security: Something Old and Something New Tirumarai Selvan - Hasura



EDT(local time)
TRACK Building and Evolving APIs Wes Reisz - Thoughtworks TRACK Optimising for Speed & Flow Matthew Skelton - Conflux TRACK Modern Java Holly Cummins - Red Hat
Session + Live Q&A 09:00AM - 09:50AM APIs at Scale: Creating Rich Interfaces that Stand the Test of Time Matthew Clark - BBC
Paul Caporn - BBC
Session INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 09:00AM - 09:50AM Sustaining Fast Flow with Socio-Technical Thinking Nick Tune
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 09:00AM - 09:50AM Deterministic, Reproducible, Unsurprising Releases in the Serverless Era Ix-chel Ruiz - jFrog
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 10:10AM - 11:00AM The GraphQL Developer Experience at Twitter Michelle Garrett - Twitter
Session + Live Q&A 10:10AM - 11:00AM Observability for Speed & Flow Jessica Kerr -
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 10:10AM - 11:00AM Project Loom: Revolution in Java Concurrency or Obscure Implementation Detail? Tomasz Nurkiewicz - DevSkiller
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 11:20AM - 12:10PM The State of APIs in the Container Ecosystem Phil Estes - AWS
Session + Live Q&A 11:20AM - 12:10PM Architecture for Flow with Wardley Mapping, DDD, and Team Topologies Susanne Kaiser - Susanne Kaiser Tech Consultant
Session + Live Q&A 11:20AM - 12:10PM Staying JDK: Current in Production Andrzej Grzesik - Revolut
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 12:30PM - 01:20PM Modern API Development and Deployment, From API Gateways to Sidecars Matt Turner - Independant
Session + Live Q&A 12:30PM - 01:20PM Optimising for Fast Flow in Norway's Largest Bureaucracy Audun Fauchald Strand - NAV
Truls Jørgensen - NAV
Session 12:30PM - 01:20PM Securing Java Applications in the Age of Log4Shell Simon Maple - Snyk
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 01:40PM - 02:25PM Kubernetes as a Foundation for Infrastructure Control Planes Daniel Mangum - Upbound
01:40PM - 02:25PM Shifting Security Left Jason McMinn
Fabrizio Fiorucci - F5
Thelen Blum - NGINX
01:40PM - 02:25PM Going Fully Reactive with Project Reactor and R2DBC Alejandro Duarte - MariaDB Corporation
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
02:45PM - 03:30PM Transcribing Twilio Phone Calls With Deepgram Tonya Sims - Deepgram
02:45PM - 03:30PM Boosting Engineering Speed with Cycle Time Romain Dupas - Code Climate



EDT(local time)
TRACK Debug, Analyze & Optimise... in Production! Abby Bangser TRACK WebAssembly & Modern Systems Programming Languages Colin Eberhardt - Scott Logic TRACK Innovations in ML Systems Cassie Breviu - Microsoft
KEYNOTE 09:00AM - 09:50AM Software Engineering Towards Sustainable Empathic Capacities Peter Pilgrim - Cognizant
Session + Live Q&A 10:00AM - 10:50AM Profiles, the Missing Pillar: Continuous Profiling in Practice Michael Hausenblas - Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Session + Live Q&A 10:00AM - 10:50AM There and Back Again: Our Rust Adoption Journey Luca Palmieri - TrueLayer
Session + Live Q&A 10:00AM - 10:50AM How to Operationalize Transformer Models on the Edge Cassie Breviu - Microsoft
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 11:10AM - 12:00PM An Observable Service with No Logs Glen Mailer - Geckoboard
Session + Live Q&A 11:10AM - 12:00PM WebAssembly: Open to Interpretation Rob Pilling - Scott Logic
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 11:10AM - 12:00PM Open Machine Learning Omar Sanseviero - Hugging Face
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 12:20PM - 01:10PM Slack’s DNSSEC Rollout: Third Time’s the Outage Rafael de Elvira - Slack
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 12:20PM - 01:10PM Better Serverless Computing With WebAssembly William Overton - Fastly
Session INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 12:20PM - 01:10PM The Next Decade of Software Is About Climate - What Is the Role of ML? Sara Bergman - Green Software Foundation
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 01:30PM - 02:20PM Chaos Engineering Observability with Visual Metaphors Yury Niño Roa - Google
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 01:30PM - 02:20PM Blazing Fast, Minimal Change - Speed Up Your Code by Refactoring to Rust Lily Mara - OneSignal
Session + Live Q&A 01:30PM - 02:20PM Operationalizing Responsible AI in Practice Mehrnoosh Sameki - Microsoft
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
02:40PM - 03:25PM Rise of Fake Data: Achieve 100% Use Case Coverage with Advanced Data Synthesis Andrew Colombi -
Kasey Alderete -



EDT(local time)
TRACK Effective Microservices: What It Takes to Get the Most Out of This Approach Sarah Wells TRACK Staff-Plus Engineer Path Fabiane Nardon - Tail - Target
KEYNOTE 09:00AM - 09:50AM Examining the Past to Try to Predict a Future for Building Distributed Applications Mark Little - Red Hat
Session 10:00AM - 10:50AM Pump It Up! Actually Gaining Benefit From Cloud Native Microservices Sam Newman - Sam Newman & Associates
Session + Live Q&A 10:00AM - 10:50AM A CTO That Still Codes: My Tortuous Path to the Staff-Plus Engineer Role Fabiane Nardon - Tail - Target
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 11:10AM - 12:00PM No Next Next: Fighting Entropy in Your Microservices Architecture Anna Shipman - Financial Times
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 11:10AM - 12:00PM 5 Behaviours to Become an Effective Staff-Plus Engineer Blanca Garcia Gil
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 12:20PM - 01:10PM Securing Microservices: Preventing Vulnerability Traversal Stefania Chaplin - GitLab
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 12:20PM - 01:10PM The Secret Strategy for Landing That Staff Engineer Role Nicky Wrightson - Blenheim Chalcot
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A 01:30PM - 02:20PM Airbnb at Scale Selina Liu - AirBnB
Session + Live Q&A 01:30PM - 02:20PM How Open-Source Engagement Can Accelerate & Solidify Your Staff+ Career Alex Porcelli - RedHat
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
02:40PM - 03:25PM On the Edge of My Server Brian Rinaldi - LaunchDarkly
03:45PM - 04:30PM Delivering Your Code to the Cloud with JFrog Artifactory and GitHub Actions Brian Benz - Microsoft
Melissa McKay - JFrog



EDT(local time)
TRACK Resilient Architectures Nicki Watt - OpenCredo TRACK Performance & Mechanical Sympathy Simon Ritter - Azul TRACK Modern Data Pipelines & DataMesh Adi Polak - Treeverse
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 09:00AM - 09:50AM Resiliency Superpowers with eBPF Liz Rice - Isovalent
Session + Live Q&A 09:00AM - 09:50AM Java Flight Recorder as an Observability Tool Ben Evans - Red Hat
Session + Live Q&A 09:00AM - 09:50AM Taming the Data Mess, How Not to Be Overwhelmed by the Data Landscape Ismaël Mejía - Microsoft
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 10:10AM - 11:00AM Resilient Real-Time Data Streaming Across the Edge and Hybrid Cloud Kai Waehner - Confluent
Session + Live Q&A 10:10AM - 11:00AM Understanding Java Through Graphs Chris Seaton - Shopify
Session + Live Q&A 10:10AM - 11:00AM Data Versioning at Scale: Chaos and Chaos Management Dr. Einat Orr - Treeverse
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 11:20AM - 12:10PM How to Test Your Fault Isolation Boundaries in the Cloud Jason Barto - AWS
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 11:20AM - 12:10PM Using Shared Memory-Mapped Files in Java Peter Lawrey - Chronicle Software
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 11:20AM - 12:10PM Modern Data Pipelines in AdTech—Life in the Trenches Roksolana Diachuk - Captify
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 12:30PM - 01:20PM The Scientific Method for Testing System Resilience Christina Yakomin - Vanguard
Session + Live Q&A 12:30PM - 01:20PM Jedi Wisdom for Cloud Performance: Sympathize with Hardware, You Must! Monica Beckwith - Microsoft
Session + Live Q&A INTERVIEW AVAILABLE 12:30PM - 01:20PM Orchestrating Hybrid Workflows with Apache Airflow Ricardo Sueiras - AWS
Break or Hangout with speaker Informal AMA session and opportunity to ask questions, please come with your camera on. Please note, this session is unstructured and unfacilitated.
01:40PM - 02:25PM Distributed Principles & Architecture in a Cloud Native Database Jim Walker - Cockroach Labs