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On the Edge of My Server
Edge functions can be potentially game changing. You get the power of serverless functions but running at the CDN level - meaning the response is incredibly fast. All the providers are piling into the space – AWS, Cloudflare, Netlify and Vercel to name just a few – but all the offerings are quite different. In this talk, we’ll explore why edge functions can be powerful, the different offerings available, and examples of how you can use them on different providers.
Brian Rinaldi
Developer Relations Engineer @LaunchDarkly
Brian Rinaldi is a Developer Experience Engineer at LaunchDarkly with over 20 years experience as a developer for the web. Brian is actively involved in the community running developer meetups via CFE.dev and Orlando Devs. He's the editor of the Jamstacked newsletter and co-author of The...
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Unleash developer productivity for the software-powered world by fundamentally changing how you deliver software to your customers. With LaunchDarkly’s feature management platform, empowered developers can empower the business to release new features faster and more efficiently than ever.
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