Speaker: Tirumarai Selvan

Product @Hasura

Tiru is a PM at Hasura. He works on core features of the GraphQL Engine and has extensive experience in authentication, authorization and security.

Sponsored Webinar

GraphQL Security: Something Old and Something New

As an alternative, successor, and child to REST, GraphQL inherits the old security challenges of its antecedent and adds new security challenges of its own. In this session, we will review how to apply old REST security recipes in order to establish a solid baseline. Then, we will learn how to upgrade our API security with new measures specific to GraphQL. Finally, we will look at how you can perform these steps easily. Securing APIs is crucial and it can be complex. Learn how the right framework can help you reduce that complexity.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This session won't have a live Q&A


Tuesday May 10 / 03:45PM EDT (45 minutes)

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