Meet Kristen O'Leary, QCon Plus November 2021 Committee Member
Each QCon conference is individually organized by a committee of senior software leaders that work across a wide spectrum of technology. We ask our committee members to be intentionally opinionated on the hottest topics in software today. We recently interviewed Kristen O'Leary, Senior Developer Relations Engineer @Google & QCon Plus November 2021 Committee Member.
Kristen O'Leary
Senior Developer Relations Engineer @Google &QCon Plus November 2021 Committee Member.

"I feel my favorite track this year is the Cloud Operating Model, which will be a track all about the cloud, and then JVM Innovations. When I was a track host a few years ago, I was the track host for a similar Java track so I'm really excited to help with this track again and see how it goes."
Kristen O'Leary Senior Developer Relations Engineer @Google & QCon Plus November 2021 Committee MemberKristen’s track picks at QCon Plus November
During the interview, Kristen shared the 2 topical tracks she personally looks forward to:
-> ~ QCon Plus

QCon Plus May 2022 Committee Member
Kristen O'Leary
(She / her / hers)
Senior Developer Relations Engineer @Google
Kristen is a Senior Developer Relations Engineer at Google. She focuses on creating an excellent developer experience for engineers using Google Cloud. Kristen is passionate about developer education and loves to teach.
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